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:confused: Welcome back? Never went, just visiting a lot less and never getting involved in fab v octy again!

Want abs off because I'm competing and find abs a big distraction. Just what you are used to I suppose. C.J.

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I dont think its that simple because its part of the ecu programming, if you have vagcom or know someone that does you can get the cut in point adjusted though.

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Hypothetically speaking, if you disabled ABS and then had an accident, would that cause problems with insurance?
It would if I was your insurer... :grumpy:
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Which part of

Want abs off because I'm competing

suggests this is for road use? Ergo, no worries on the insurance :D

CJ, happy birthday ya old fart :P

Oh and get the trigger point adjusted ;) balance adjustment works well too :D

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Which part of

suggests this is for road use? Ergo' date=' no worries on the insurance :D[/quote']C.J. has insurance for competing? :confused: I do beg his pardon. :o

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Denis, starngely enough, you do not need insurance if you are competing. Everyone is responsible for their own "loss" ie I pile into the back of you because you are driving too slow, I pay for my damage, you pay for yours.

For single competitor events eg sprinting or hillclimbing, it is you against the clock. not anyone else on track at the same time. Most people don't bother with insurance and even if they did, competition insurance is different to what you have on the road, they don't nother about what you have done to the car.

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Jon - please note the "Hypothetically" part of my post! Was just thinking out loud - if CJ (or anyone else for that matter) pulled the plug on their ABS before competing and had a knock, would it cause problems? It was more a general question rather than aimed at CJ, honest! :)

Denis - if you were my insurer, I'd go back to using a bike! :D

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Thanks for putting me right, Jon. Now a question for you. When you took me out at Bruntingthorpe, had you disabled or adjusted the ABS for better braking control? :confused:

Denis - if you were my insurer, I'd go back to using a bike! :D
:finger: I'm not sure what the smilie is, Steve, but it seems apposite.
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Hi again,and thanks for the good wishes jon..not really that old,well not 'upstairs'...in my head that is!

Just to clarify, and was hoping to get a response from one of our techies.. ROSS praps, yea, just wanted the abs off whilst competing this weekend,but with the ability to turn it back on again when I'm going back to the caravan on sat/sun nights.

Appreciate the insurance co. would not look on me favourably if I had a bump with abs 'off'. It's just that I sprinted once before with abs,and found it a great distraction,and also quite unnerving too. I like to be able to 'feel' the brakes just up to the 'locking point' and react accordingly. It's as I said, 'it's just what I'm used to', over many years of sprinting. That traction control thing is going in the out tray too if it's dry...IF...forecast is not good however..flamin typical after it's been so nice for so long, in which case all this will be irrelevant anyway as the abs will probably be beneficial after all :rolleyes:

By the way jon,what's the trigger point and balance thing you mentioned or is it one of your lateral thinking statements...too late for me now, got to go and get my kip now as I'm out early tomorrow for a quick blast around the N.E.C. :D

C.J...your only as old as your mind tells you to be :thumbup:

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I believe the trigger point is the point at which the abs kicks in and the balance is the front/rear braking bias? Both can probably be adjusted with VAG-COM and I'm sure Jon will tell us more :D


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Yes understand now. Sorry,never realised these could be sorted with VAG-COM. Bit late for this weekend now but got another sprint coming up in anglesey in just 2 1/2 weeks. Thanks chris and for all the other input too. C.J.

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Well, another year older, another year...... nah, scratch that :P

CJ, just pull the fuse! You'll have the light on the dash telling you that the ABS is FUBAR but that is all. Try it before the event, make sure you have a blown one of the same rating. Any problems caused when you try to turn the ABS back on, put the blown one in and get your dealer to reset it :) You may need to get someone to do a quick reset of the fault codes anyway as it will write a fault to the ECU which the dealer will see anyway.


No Denis, haven't done it on this one yet. Did it on my old one, I could actually lock my wheels for about 1-2 seconds before the ABS came in. Also, I put more bias to the rear. As far as I know, only 2 of us have played with the bias adjustment through VAG-COM, myself and pikey boy ;) Not something I would recommend doing unless you really know what you are doing with VAG-COM, or know a man who does

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  • 2 years later...

Maybe it is because if people start adjusting their brake bias without knowing what they are doing they will end up stuffed into a brick wall or another car.

Changing the balance of the brakes is something you have to understand well and understand waht effect it will have on the braking and road holding under braking before you do it.

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I understand that, I promise! :)

PS: I know how to measure wheel speeds and check the ballance of it. But I was more interested on how to adjust the cut in point. My ABS kicks in much too soon, and it's dangerous. Also It has issues if braking on bad roads. What you get out of it is improper braking and that can lead to disaster sometimes.

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